Unwanted party guest!?

Sometimes emotions are like the unwanted party guest whom we find every possible means of avoiding.

The ‘negative’ ones sometimes pop up and explode when we least expect it or want it to cause a 7.9 ML earthquake. They are real, unavoidable and with you 24/7.

The thing about emotions is that they seek to serve and empower us to explore the world safely and make meaning of our experiences.  They give us direction and help us know what we need, they connect us to what is truly important. ……that is if we LISTEN and use them as a resource.

The challenge is that many of us aren’t familiar with listening to our emotions. Perhaps we weren’t taught to process our emotions as kids instead to avoid, suppress or dismiss our emotions. Perhaps we have convinced ourselves that our emotions are inconvenient or useless. The irony about emotions is the more you avoid, suppress or dismiss them the stronger they grow.

Not listening to our ‘negative’ emotions can have undesirable consequences. In the long run it can affect your health and wellbeing, relationships, ability to influence and make good decisions, your effectiveness and sense of satisfaction.

Lets try and avoid THAT rather and become more self aware, acknowledge our emotions as a resource and be curious of the message it is sharing.

How do we do that?

  1. First, we identify what we’re experiencing – Name it to tame it!
  2. Secondly, sit with it! Don’t judge what you are feeling, simply observe it.
  3. Thirdly, decode the message.

Angry: Focus attention on something I want to change

Peaceful: Reinforce my sense of connection

Insecure: Consider my own strengths

Disappointed: Focus my attention on something I want to change

Content: Reinforce the value of my efforts

Sad: Help me recognize what I care about

Panicky: Focus attention on what I need to do next

Ecstatic: Energise me to stay connected and fully alive

Shy: Consider how you fit in

Now you are empowered to question the validity of that message and choose how you want to respond to it.

Go out, be more intentional and Listen!